Coming up:
2011 May 11th 1:00pm - 4:00pm Half Day Workshop -Finding telecommunications solutions for people who rely on augmentative and
alternative communication (AAC) technologies.
Pre-Conference Workshop, AGOSCI 10th Bi-Annual National Conference, Education Development Centre.

2011 May 14th Keynote - Take This: It's more participation, it's enabling satisfying lives at the AGOSCI 10th Bi-Annual National Conference, 11-14 May, Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia.

2011 June 30th Keynote - It’s more than participation, so let’s talk together at the 8th Eastern and Central European Regional Augmentative and Alternative Communication Conference, Warsaw, Poland

2008 September 24th @ 7:30pm - Workshop: Disability and Discipleship (Black Stump Festival preview) at West Adelaide Uniting Church, 312 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Brooklyn Park, SA.

2008 October 5th @ 3:3pm - Workshop: Disability and Discipleship in The Plunge at Black Stump Christian Music and Arts Festival, Sydney, NSW.

2007 July - Lecture:Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Department of Speech Pathology, Flinders University Of South Australia at Novita Childrens' Services

2006 October - Workshop: Disability and Discipleship Black Stump Christian Music and Arts Festival, Appin, NSW.

2006 September - Workshop: Disability and Discipleship (Black Stump Festival preview) at West Adelaide Uniting Church

2006 July - Lecture:Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Department of Speech Pathology, Flinders University Of South Australia

2006 June - Lecture 13:Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) of the Communication and Language topic at Flinders University Of South Australia

2002 January - Presented at a service of West Adelaide Uniting Church a report on 3rd National Disability and Spirituality Conference (2001 Melbourne)


Presentations and Workshops — 1 Comment

  1. Darryl, This is amazing. Good to hear you are doing so well. Jan Dempster gave me your blog. Therewas a back to Regency which I couldn’t go to. I often think of you and what you are doing. Well done–not finished yet.nI am retired now. Keep in touch if you have time. I am Not on Facebook…….Ruth.

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