
Possum-ISAAC Aspiration Award Video — 9 Comments

  1. Excellent video Darryl – loved the humour at the end with the Phonebooth shenigans!

    Good luck with this application and I truly hope you are successful – people with CCN are crying out for cutting edge, up-to-date and relevant technology based research that will improve their lives, particularly by enabling them to freely communicate within our society.

  2. I hope you like your wine shaken not stirred! You were scooting along. Best of luck with the application – fingers toes and everything else is crossed. Just in case you should get the passport ready cos alternatively you should be heading to Hollywood! Best of luck with the application.

  3. Go Dazza – Well done on winning the award!!!! Love the video – kinda had a Mr Bean feel to it at times, scootin thru the suburbs at break-neck speed!!!

  4. Pingback:Radio 5RPH interview – round-up on developments in technology « Virtual Imaginings

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